Category I. - Musical-journalistic programme
International category
Milan Lasica - jury chairman
He is an actor, author, playwright and director. He represents an exceptional comedienne dramatic art focused on exact point. As an actor he presented expressive types and outstanding characters having a sense of satire and parody. An equivalent part of his production represents his literal activities. He is a co-author of many scenes, dialogues, lyrics and full-length programmes where he was acting together with his colleague Julius Satinsky. They performed as well in many radio and television programmes.
Rostislav Cerný - jury member
He studied at the Theatre Academy of Musical Art and his career started in the theatre Semafor as an actor and singer. He was also a member of smaller theatres. He is an author of many radio and television songs and programmes including some well-known ever-greens. During his twenty-five-year period of living abroad he co-operated with German and British television, especially on series for children. At present he is an aphorist, publicist and translator of German and English stage plays and an editor of German minority broadcasting in Czech radio.
Michael Prostějovský - jury member
He is a text writer, librettist, radio journalist and producer. He studied theatre and film art focused on musical theatre. He is an author of about four hundred lyrics. He used to work as a chief dramaturge and producer at the company Sepraphon. After he had left the Czech Republic for Germany, he worked as an editor of radio broadcast Deutschlandfunk and Deutche Welle. Thanks to his long stay abroad he had opportunities to get known well musical production in Germany, London and New York. He is an author of the Czech librettos of the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar and Cats. He is as well author of lyrics of the musical Evita which were used as subtitles of the film staring with Madonna. As regards the adaptation of the opera Rusalka written by Antonín Dvořák, Prostějovský worked not only on the libretto but he was also a chief of Prague production.
Karel Zajíc - jury member
After his studies at the Prague conservatoire he was a member of the theatre in Kladno and Kolín. Later on he worked as a presenter and director of broadcasting in Czech television. He was as well a chief editor of the private radios VOX, Alfa and Blaník. Since 1999 he has been working in Czech radio, recently as a consultant to the executive director of Czech radio. He focuses on production of sound graphic and self promotion. He is an author of a key-signature and a music dramaturge in the project "Odhaleni"(Revelation).
Lubomír Zeman - jury member
He graduated from the University of Philosophy, specialisation journalism. He was awarded an academic title for his work as a music publicist in a radio. He was on important positions in Slovak radio, he was a founder and a director of RADIO ROCK FM and a marketing director in Slovak radio. He is well-known as well as lyricist; he is an author of nearly 500 lyrics. He travelled all around many countries as a journalist and musician; he took photos and wrote reportages for reputable newspapers and magazines, he worked on radio programmes and television scenarios. Currently he has been working as an artistic producer for a business television TVA.