History of the Czech and Slovak Radio

22. září 2010

When browsing this catalogue you might be surprised that there are also Slovak jury members in each of this year three categories of the Festival Prix Bohemia Radio. They are not only in the international category but also in national categories. The reason is simple.

When, eighty-five years ago the radio started regular broadcasting from our country area, it was the Czechoslovakia. So the history of the Czech and Slovak Radio has a lot in common and we would like to remind it together this year in Poděbrady. Furthermore, Czech and Slovak languages are so close that we decided to keep the original languages and so the jury will asses programmes from Bohemia, Moravia and the Slovak Republic.

And when speaking about languages relations, we should not forget that our language has also a lot in common with Wendish language. With regard to this fact we have something very new in this year festival - for the first time there will be also jury members from Lusatia, the fact that is logical from the historic point of view. At that time when Jiří z Poděbrad was reigning, Lusatia was a part of the Czech Kingdom. And what is more, Jiří z Poděbrad was announced the Czech King exactly 550 years ago, and in the framework of this year festival we are reminding this anniversary.

Miroslav Dittrich
Director of festival Prix Bohemia Radio

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