Programme of Festival

23. září 2010

Tuesday, 2 October 2007
8.00 - 9.00 Breakfast Kolonáda
8.30 Festival office opening Kolonáda
9.00 Jury session Hotel Felicitas
10.00 Bus departure Český radio - Římská Street
10.00 - 17.00 Public listening Castle - computer room
10.00 Presentation of Green Wave Kolonáda
11.00 Vernisage of J. Peca´s pictures Theatre Na Kovárně
11.30 Jury discussion with authors Hotel Felicitas
12.00 - 13.30 Lunch Kolonáda
13.30 Lunch for jury Hotel Felicitas
14.00 Big Band of Czech radio Kolonáda
15.00 Bus departure Kolonáda
16.45 Bus departure Czech radio - Římská Street
18.00 - 19.00 Dinner Kolonáda
18.30 Welcome cocktail Hotel Bellevue
19.30 Gala opening of festival Theatre Na Kovárně
21.00 Gala evening Kolonáda
22.30 Bus departure Kolonáda

Wednesday, 3 October 2007
8.00 - 9.00 Breakfast Kolonáda
8.00 Bus departure Czech radio - Vinohradská Street
8.30 Festival office opening Kolonáda
9.00 Jury session Hotel Felicitas
9.30 SRT workshop* Castle - Aula
9.30 Announcement of children contest Kolonáda
10.00 Bus departure Czech radio - Římská Street
10.00 - 17.00 Public listening Castle - computer room
10.00 Metropolitan Theatre Prague Kolonáda
11.30 Jury discussion with authors Hotel Felicitas
12.00 - 13.30 Lunch Kolonáda
13.30 Lunch for jury Hotel Felicitas
14.00 Lunch for participants of workshop Kolonáda
14.00 Eldorádo - country and tramp Kolonáda
15.00 Bus departure Kolonáda
15.30 At three at night - folklore Kolonáda
16.00 Concertino Praga - classic Castel Povýšení sv. Kříže
18.00 Bus departure Kolonáda
18.00 - 19.00 Dinner Kolonáda
19.30 Normal Circle -Mr Preiss, Mr Lábus Theatre Na Kovárně

Thursday, 4 October 2007
8.00 - 9.00 Breakfast Kolonáda
8.30 Festival office opening Kolonáda
9.00 Jury session Hotel Felicitas
10.00 Bus departure Czech radio - Římská Street
10.00 - 17.00 Public listening Castle - computer room
10.00 Small Theatre Prague Kolonáda
11.30 Jury discussion with authors Hotel Felicitas 1
12.00 - 13.30 Lunch Kolonáda
13.30 Lunch for jury Hotel Felicitas
14.00 Presentation of Czech radio Region Kolonáda
15.00 Bus departure Kolonáda
16.45 Bus departure Czech radio - Římská Street
18.00 - 19.00 Dinner Kolonáda
18.30 Cocktail Hotel Bellevue
19.30 Announcement of results Theatre Na Kovárně
21.00 Gala evening Kolonáda
22.30 Bus departure Kolonáda
23.00 Night current - disco Savoy

* SRT - Union of Radio Producers
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