Prix Bohemia Radio Festival 2016
The 2016 Prix Bohemia Radio festival will take place on 3-5 October, 2016 in Olomouc, marking the 32nd anniversary of this important event, regularly organised by Czech Radio.
Prix Bohemia Radio is a festival of radio production and a meeting platform for radio programming producers from the Czech Republic and abroad. The main idea behind the 32nd annual Prix Bohemia Radio is to renew the festival’s tradition and define a new framework for the coming years.
As part of the changes we are making, Prix Bohemia Radio is proud to announce the appointment of a new role of Honorary President to be assumed by the distinguished Czech actress, honorary citizen of Olomouc and a true lady, Hana Maciuchová, who will thus become the patron of the Prix Bohemia Radio festival.
After a hiatus in 2015, Czech Radio pledged to renew the tradition. Two editions were held in Prague and now the festival is headed to Moravia. The competitions and accompanying programme will be hosted by the historic city of Olomouc.
Two competition categories have been announced for the 32nd annual Prix Bohemia Radio, namely DRAMA and DOCUMENTARY. The international category of REPORTAGE, which accepts entries from foreign broadcasters, will open in spring 2017. The festival seeks to promote close cooperation between Visegrad countries.
Prix Bohemia Radio is not only a competition and series of seminars for professionals. It is also a platform for engaging with the public. The festival is intended to provide a place for discussion and collaboration with younger generations: a gathering of creative minds and attracting a broad audience.
The 32nd annual Prix Bohemia Radio promises an interesting programme. The opening ceremony on 3 October will be followed by the International Conference on Radio Production for Children and Youth which will, in turn, be followed by a Radio Wave live session.
The second day will be dedicated to the drama category. In the afternoon, a workshop on investigative journalism will be held and the day will be closed with a theatrical performance of Disreputable Houses, a tragicomic play combining radio and theatre to tell the intimate story of two characters (and a bunch of wonderful talking objects) who search for understanding and solace in our busy and materialistic times and the complications they face along the way. A discussion with the author and director will follow.
On the last day, documentary production will be evaluated and the festival will conclude with a closing and prize-giving ceremony in the evening.
In 2017, Prix Bohemia Radio is scheduled to take place in the spring. The new dates will be taken into account when scheduling the next editions. Olomouc, the centre of the Haná region, is being considered as host city for the coming years as well.